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Redemption's Guild and PSVR Development Update


As some of you may know, when we initially started reaching out to the VR community about our upcoming game Redemption's Guild we had high hopes for launching the game on not only PC VR but also PSVR (PS4). As we've built our company and grown Redemption's Guild into something truly unique, the hardware specifications needed to run the game grew as well.

As a small indie company full of gamers we strive for transparency, whether it be our monthly newsletters or our polls on the website, we pride ourselves on our honesty with the community. In saying this, we have some worries about launching the game on PSVR (PS4). The hardware specs needed to hit a consistent 90 FPS (needed for VR) is tough enough already on PC, but seems exceedingly difficult given the hardware specs of the PSVR.

Now, we aren't saying that Redemption's Guild is not coming to PSVR. Hell, we are already partnered with Sony and have the dev kits in house. However, we worry that the experience you will have on the PSVR will be extremely downgraded and this is not what we want to give to our fans. We won't have any solid details on the state of a PSVR launch until next year when the game is launched for PC VR and we've had the time to test thoroughly on our dev kits, but for now, it seems unlikely.

We offer our sincere apologies to the PSVR community and all the fans eager to play Redemption's Guild on their PSVR. For those who have already preordered the game for PSVR through our website. Email [email protected] for a refund.

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